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Effective Testing for Lyme Disease

In working with Lyme Disease for many years we have a plan that is highly effective. Lyme Disease in the US is in epidemic proportions. It is caused by the Borrelia bacteria which lives in the cells not the blood thereby making the some testing protocols ineffective. The C.E.D.S.A. testing we do with the new VITAL program detects energetically the presence of the Lyme Spirochetes and the co-infections to pinpoint the exact virus and bacteria present.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease can mimic over 300 other disease symptoms including most auto immune and rheumatological conditions, as well as brain fog, insomnia or excessive sleep, memory loss, joint paint/swelling/stiffness, poor coordination, difficulty reading, slow or slurred speech, unexplained chills and fevers, rashes, abrupt mood swings, continual infections, poor concentration, decreased ability to spell correctly, tremors, disorientation, burning/ stabbing pain especially in feet, facial paralysis, GI distress, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, sore throat, swollen glands, nausea/vomiting, anorexia, cough, vasculitis, muscle pain or cramps, loss of muscle tone, changes in taste and smell, twitching of muscles, OCD symptoms, panic attacks, neuropathy, tingling, numbness, number reversal, lightheadedness, headaches, migraines, light sensitivity, menstrual irregularities, change in hearing, tinnitus, TMJ, unexplained hair loss, dilated cardiomyopathy, visual disturbance, loss of temperature control.

When in doubt test for Lyme disease using the CEDSA VITAL assessment. 

Lyme Disease: An Overview


Lyme disease is an epidemic which has dramatically affected the entire world.


What is Lyme?


Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by a Spirochete bacterium - usually Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato - which is transmitted to people by deer ticks, mosquitos, brown recluse spiders, flies, ants, birds, mice, lizards, blood transfusion, and  unprotected sex.


Let us take a short tour at the world wide epidemic... 


Lyme disease gets its name from Lyme, Connecticut, where a group of teens suffered from a mysterious arthritic condition in the mid-1970s. By the late 1970s, U.S. scientists determined that infected ticks transmitted the disease. In 1981, Swiss-American researcher Willy Burgdorferi identified the spirochete bacterium, which he named after himself, Borrelia burgdorferi.


As a result of these findings, many people think Lyme is an American disease. But as early as the 1920’s, Swedish and Austrian doctors documented the hallmark red rash of Lyme. Earlier reports describe a biting insect and debilitating arthritis that point to Lyme disease in Europe. We now know that Lyme disease occurs on various continents around the world.  


North America


According to the (CDC), reported cases of Lyme have been steadily rising since national surveillance began in 1982. In 2008 there were some 30,000 reported cases of Lyme disease and 35,000 reported cases in 2009. however, these numbers are grossly underreported. Lyme disease cases are consistently rising.  The highest incidence each year happens in Eastern states from Maryland to Maine and in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and parts of northern California and southern Oregon. However, people are diagnosed with Lyme live in every state.


Ticks in the United States carry mainly Borrelia burgdorferi. In Canada, Lyme cases are also increasing. As of 2010, Lyme disease was reportable to provincial and national health services. According to the Canadian government, the areas that pose the highest risk of exposure to ticks carrying Borrelia burgdorferi are southern British Columbia, southeastern Manitoba, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, southern and eastern Ontario, and southern and southeastern Quebec.

Cases have also been reported in Mexico. In fact, there is some evidence that Borrelia burgdorferi infection may be as endemic in Mexico as it is in the U.S. and Canada.



Europe has a comparable number of Borrelia cases as the U.S. according to the European Commission. Particularly high-risk areas are the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, and other central and eastern European nations. Many European countries have been slow to adopt national Borrelia reporting laws. European ticks carry eight known species of Borrelia. They are the Afzelii, Bavarienses, Sensu stricto, Garinii, spielmanii, Valaisiana, Lusitaniae, and the Bissetii.




The number of cases of Borrelia in Asian countries are more difficult to track. But the infection does occur, primarily in China and Russia and to a lesser extent in Korea and Japan. Cases are typically more concentrated in the northern, temperate regions as in the rest of the world. The first case of Lyme disease in China was reported in 1986 and is likely that the spirochete migrated from Europe. Lyme Borrelia is also endemic to the Baltic regions of Russia.


Many originally thought that Japan, an island nation, was protected from Borrelia. However, genetic studies of infection show that the spirochete can travel from Mainland China to Japan in migratory birds. The birds then provide a blood meal to local ticks or the Chinese ticks hitch a ride on the birds themselves. These ticks then feed on and infect humans or live on Japanese rodents.


South America, Africa, Australia


Lyme disease/Borreliosis has rarely occurred in tropical regions, mainly because ticks and their reservoir animals are not common in these areas.


When rare cases have been reported, it’s more likely these patients got infected when they traveled outside their country to endemic areas. However, doctors in Brazil are watching a Lyme-like syndrome that seems to be increasing.


The presence of Borrelia species capable of causing human disease in Australia continues to be a matter of debate. But there are thousands of suspected cases in Australia. In short, Borrelia Burgdorferi and its many strains appears in many countries besides the U.S. Add to that the fact that in many countries other tick-borne diseases are also on the rise so it’s clear that tick-borne illnesses are a growing public health problem worldwide.

How does Lyme disease affect the body?

First the infected bug or many of its carriers has to bite you. When it is a tick, it bites in an unusual way.  First, a tick spreads antihistamines and other numbing agents on the skin so the bite isn’t noticed. Then cementum, a glue like substance is excreted so the bug can fasten itself to the victim.  Next the tick gets it’s jawbones into the flesh and goes for a ride. It will spend five to seven days on a deer or a mouse but less time on a human.  

When humans are infected with the Spirochete bacteria it can go anywhere  in the body including soft tissues and joints but particularly the major organs like the heart, lungs, liver,  the optic nerve, spleen and can be passed from mother to child through the  placenta. It pass the blood brain barrier, infecting the brain. The unnerving part of this process is that the majority of those infected don’t even know it!

The medical community has a difficult time to diagnose Lyme because the Borrelia has the ability to impersonate a host of other diseases. As a result patients are treated for a variety of non-existing diseases with a host of dangerous drugs. I have listed a few of the most common imposters.

For this very reason there may be millions of individuals with Lyme who don’t know they have it or are treated for the wrong medical issue.

How would you know if you have Lyme disease?

If you see a tick on your body and then develop a rash there is a good chance that You may develop Lyme disease. Only 30-40% of those bitten develop a rash. 20-30% develop joint pain and swelling. The other 60-70 %  don’t get a rash. They still could have Lyme disease but not from a tick. As mentioned earlier there are other ways to get Lyme disease. 

What are the symptoms? 


You may develop bouts of severe joint pain and swelling. The knees are especially likely to be affected, but the pain can shift from one joint to another. Because Lyme has a four week cycle it is active then it goes dormant, then it is active then dormant.  This cycles back and forth.

There would be Neurological problems. Weeks, months or even years after the infection there could be inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain (meningitis), temporary paralysis of one side of the face (Bell's palsy), numbness or weakness in the limbs and feet along with impaired muscle movement, and damaging the Myelin sheath.

There might be heart problems, such as an irregular heartbeat or eye inflammation, liver inflammation (hepatitis), severe fatigue, migraines and even unexplained seizures just to mention a few.


These symptoms are not taken seriously by the medical community which is the reason why there is so much misdiagnosis with Lyme Disease. Generally the patient is told there is nothing seriously wrong with them and they need psychological help. Meanwhile the Spirochete bacteria is spreading causing more damage to the cells, organs and body systems.


What is the best way to test for Lyme?


Since its inception, the main focus has been the development of an accurate test for the Borrelia burgdorferi antigen, the causative agent of Lyme disease.


According to a clinical study presented at a Lyme Disease Association Conference in 2003, of the tests available, the PCR is only 35% accurate for blood testing, and the Western Blot is only 50 - 60% accurate for blood testing. Other Lyme tests like the LUAT and ELISA fall below these levels of accuracy. When testing for Lyme disease a blood test is not the answer.

A more accurate testing for Lyme and other health issues is Bio Energetic testing called CEDSA Vital from Standard Enzyme Co. 

Dark field Microscopy?

Dark Field Microscopy is a proven way to detect Lyme spirochetes in the blood, as long as they are in the blood at that point in time when the needle is present!

But the spirochetes move around the body and the cells so if they not in the blood at the point of testing it is difficult to ascertain if Lyme is present.


Energy testing is accurate.

The most accurate testing for Lyme or any other major issues is the  (Computerized Electro Dermal Stress Analysis) machine. The CEDSA analysis is 94% accurate.

How does it work?

The computer measures the degree of electrical resistance of the acupuncture points.  located in the hands. This measurements indicates balances or imbalances in the various organ systems of the body and can detect low level reactions. It also indicates which nutritional, homeopathic, herbal, or True Rife program is best for the client.

Not only can we test for the spirochetes but in some cases it is possible to

determine where and when the infection was initiated.

How to destroy Lyme

The traditional medical route is short or long term IV Antibiotics as a treatment protocol.

This may help, but the spirochetes can embed deeper into tissues, organ and systems. 


Homeopathy works but it is a very slow process. Herbs like Samento, Teasel Root and other Lyme homeopathies do work but may be very slow. 

The success of complete eradication of Lyme from the body depends on the following:

  1. The number of active strains of Lyme spirochetes and co infections.

  2. Any secondary infections active such as Candida, Mold, Epstein Barr, Herpes VIE and others.

  3. Genetic miasms affecting the person: Sycosis, Syphilinum, Psorinum, Carsinosii, ADD/ADHD.

  4. The willingness of the person to make necessary diet and lifestyle changes.

  5. Other medical issues complicating the protocols.

Where do we go from here?

With the CEDSA testing we test for Lyme, all the co-infections and the secondary infections as well. A protocol is recommended generally including diet and lifestyle changes and homeopathies. Contact us for more information. 

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